Growing up I was taught that there were only two acceptable reasons to take a human life. The first was in defense of myself or someone else, and the second was in defense of my country. This has pretty much stuck with me all of my life which is why I don’t get the whole abortion thing. First let me say that I don’t think ANY politician in our lifetime will ever do anything about abortion. They can’t, it’s too hot an issue. Let’s face it since Roe v Wade we’ve had over 20 years of Republicans rallying against abortion, and yet here we are killing over 40 million babies per year.
Yes I said babies, and yes I said killing. The American people have been sold a falsehood by saying that this is an issue of rights. Liberals will say that abortion is about the right of a woman to do as she pleases with her body, the choice of a woman to be a mother, or not be a mother. It’s not; Abortion is an issue of consequences nothing more nothing less. As Americans began experimenting with “free love” they found out that this experimentation came with one minor setback. Free love isn’t so free when you have to raise a baby as a result. What to do, what to do, “oh we’ll end the pregnancy”, “but we can’t it’s against the law”, “then let’s change the law”. You see this is less about the right about a woman to do with her body as she pleases, and more with the removal of consequence for having sex.
Newton’s third law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that everything that happens has a consequence. Now when applied to sex, this is not always true, but there is that possibility. There is, almost always, the possibility that the consequence of sex is pregnancy. We Americans love to have the government pass laws and absolve us from our consequences. “Yes I killed him your honor, but I was insane at the time”, “Yes Mr. President we loaned millions of dollars to people we knew could never pay it back, and now we’re broke, but we’re in a jam now and need government money.” The U.S. government is used to stepping in and helping its citizens, why should this be any different? The difference is that this is a HUMAN life being taken, and it should not be treated as casual when you commit premeditated murder.
But abortions go on and the excuses for allowing them have gotten better each year. Let’s look at them and do some quick math.
There are approximately 42,000,000 abortions performed each year worldwide.
First Argument: “What about the mother who will die if she doesn’t get an abortion?”
Total done per year 6% of all yearly abortions or 2,520,000
In my opinion this is probably the only valid reason to have an abortion. Personally I don’t feel loosing both mother and child is worth the risk, especially when the mother has other children who will be left behind if she dies.
Second Argument: “What about the cases of rape or incest?”
Total done per year 1% of all yearly abortions or 420,000
Personally I don’t feel that taking the life of an innocent child makes the rape go away, or somehow helps the victim anymore, but I’d even be willing to concede this if only to stop the other 93% of the abortions done per year.
So what does this mean? Even if we were to only allow abortions for those two reasons alone we would wipe out 39,060,000 abortions per year. These abortions are done for no other reason than the child is unwanted. Every year millions more babies are killed and women everywhere hold on to this right to kill, simply because they’d rather not deal with the consequences of their actions. Why are they allowed to do this? Simple, it’s their right to their bodies. But is that really a true statement? Am I allowed to take my own life? No, in fact if I try and fail I’ll end up in some psychiatric ward until I can convince the doctors that I won’t try again. A teenage girl cannot get a tattoo or get medical attention for a broken leg without some sort of parental consent, but she can get an abortion. Abortion is not and has never been about a woman’s right to her body. Abortion is, was, and ever shall be about ducking consequences.
If you ask the average American if slavery was bad, you’d get a flat out yes. If you ask them why they think it was bad you’d get the standard answer of “No one has the right to own another person?” I can’t help but wonder if in 200 years people will say the same about abortion. You see if we could go back to pre-civil war days and ask those slave owners why they feel they have the right to own slaves, they’d come up with a slew of answers. “Blacks aren’t really human”, “The Bible doesn’t say anything against slavery”, but underneath it all, deep down inside that slave owner would feel that it’s his right to own that slave. It’s his right because no one has ever shown him how wrong it truly is. Just because the government allows us to do something does not make it right, it just makes it allowed. Early on in human history slavery was allowed, and encourage; it was free labor, but worldwide it is now look down upon. How long until abortion falls into that same category? How long until abortion is seen for what it really is, plain old premeditated murder.
Every year we the hypocrites of these United States spend tons of money on the greatest irony of all. Every year billions are spent searching for life (NASA), while we on earth extinguish our own future lives. You see the next common argument for abortion is that abortion does not take a life, since the embryo is not actually “alive”. Let’s examine that asinine statement for a second. We spend billions of dollars every year searching for signs of even single celled organisms throughout our universe. Scientist get excited when they find traces of some simple organism on a rock light-years away. Those findings make headlines all around the world. “Traces of life found in space!” “The possibility that life existed on Mars”
How are we supposed to accept that these things, these simple organisms, which are not, and will never, ever have the potential to be anything more than they are or where, are more valuable to us than our own offspring? Those organisms will never become an FDR, JFK, MLK, Gandhi, Einstein, Mozart, or a Michelangelo, yet they make headlines. What about all of those millions who have died since 1973? Where are their headlines? Why are we so intent to find life on other planets when we can’t even keep alive the life we have here? God help those alien life forms when we do find them. If for some reason they don’t measure up to our “standard” of alive we’ll extinguish them just as we have our children.
We feel it our right to extinguish life simply because we cannot stomach the thought of paying the consequences for our actions. Slave owners felt it was their right to own people because they couldn’t stomach the thought of paying for labor, or better yet getting off their butts and working. How long before we stop looking to murder as a viable alternative to real birth control? Why should babies pay the price for our inability to wear a condom, consistently lake the pill, buy and IUD, or any of the other number of birth control methods available? They shouldn’t and we as Americans should stand up like we did prior to the civil war. Back then Americans took a stand for the rights of the slave. Americans said enough to the owning of another person and made a change for the better. We Americans have to stand up and tell the government, both Republicans and Democrats alike, that we’re tired of them using this as a polarizing issue. We need to let them know that it’s not anyone’s right to take a life, and that “We the People” want Roe v Wade overturned.
This will not happen as long as Americans feel it their right to take a human life. This will not happen as long as Americans continue to see the embryo as just a thing, instead of what it really is. For those Americans sold on the falsehood that life begins at birth, lets look at some facts.
Week 1-3 5-7 days after fertilization, the blastula attaches to the wall of the uterus endometrium. When it comes into contact with the endometrium it performs implantation. Implantation connections between the mother and the embryo will begin to form, including the umbilical cord. The embryo's growth centers around an axis, which will become the spine and spinal cord. The brain, spinal cord, heart, and gastrointestinal tract begin to form.
Week 4-5 Chemicals produced by the embryo stop the woman's menstrual cycle . Neurogenesis is underway, showing brain activity at about the 6th week. The heart will begin to beat around the same time. Limb buds appear where the arms and legs will grow later. Organogenesis begins. The head represents about one half of the embryo's axial length, and more than half of the embryo's mass. The brain develops into five areas. Tissue formation occurs that develops into the vertebra and some other bones. The heart starts to beat and blood starts to flow.
Week 6-8 Myogenesis and neurogenesis have progressed to where the embryo is capable of motion, and the eyes begin to form. Organogenesis and growth continue. Hair has started to form along with all essential organs. Facial features are beginning to develop. At the end of the 8th week, the embryonic stage is over, and the fetalstage begins.
Every year doctors all over the country find ways to keep premature babies alive. As time passes and technology improves, science finds a way to save lives earlier in a woman’s pregnancy, while politicians push harder to kill those same lives at later stages in a woman’s pregnancy. Am I the only one who finds this both hypocritical and ironic? Science fights for the women who want the consequence of sex, while politicians fight to relieve women of the consequences of sex.
People need to understand that abortion is NOT birth control, sex has consequences, and men and women everywhere need to step up and take responsibility for their actions. Just as it takes two to make a baby, it also takes two to prevent a baby from being conceived. Men and women must step up and stop being ignorant and lazy when it comes to protecting against unwanted pregnancy. Humanity has come a long way from the days of people owning people, but we still have quite a way to go in assigning a value to human life. It is not our right to kill a life to keep our comfort level, just as it is not our right to own a life to keep our comfort level. I wonder if in 200 years, when science has progressed further, will future generations look down on us with as much disdain and disgust as we have for slave owners of our past. Will they think us the ignorant fools that we are for allowing the murder of our most precious resource?
Thursday, September 4, 2008
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I agree with you. Abortion is murder. We have chosen to use it as a form of birth control and have removed the responsibility for our actions. We have gone against biblical teachings about murder and are heavily paying the price.
I hear the arguments in every group I ever have been a part of, the lame "what ifs" and but "it's my body". I have one question what about the baby's body or the baby's "what if's"? Who will speak for the unborn who have no voice because they have been robbed of the opportunity to have a voice?
Let's not forget the other ways we steal human life - capital punishment, assisted suicide, etc. Human life has never been less respected than it is today and has been since Roe V. Wade was passed. I agree with you on this but disagree that we will never see this legalized form of 1st degree murder overturned because we must never lose hope. Once we surrender to the masses and give up on the idea that human life is a gift from God and that He and He alone has the right to start or end it, that is when we may as well stop caring about any issue.
To touch on a few of the excuses heard in liberal circles:
Abortion is murder no matter what the circumstances. The event which begins life does not mitigate the guilt one should feel about committing murder. In the case of rape you have 2 victims if you allow abortion- the woman who was attacked and the unborn child. Now not only does the woman need to heal from the loss of her dignity and sense of safety but she must also deal with the fact that the life inside her has been extinguished and do not fool your self to think that does not effect the woman, it does, just ask any woman who has had an abortion for any reason and they will tell you the sense of loss they feel daily!
Next we hear its OK to murder the unborn because a group of cells do not make a life...Mike's example of microscopic life on other planets is superb. In addition when other cells such a s skin cells come together in a petri dish they don't multiply, attach to a safe place and become something completely different in a matter of days. Only the egg and sperm connect and perfom this miracle creating LIFE, yes LIFE!From that moment on any damage done is nothing more than murder.
The main issue is marginalization, when does it stop? If the baby is unwanted-kill it, if the criminal cannot be housed any longer or rehabilitated-kill him, if the person is too old and too much of a burden-help them kill themselves. The common denominator is the comfort of the living. Those who are left behind can breathe easier , have less bills and live another day to worry about nothing but themselves.Who's next? The mentally challenged, the physically handicapped, the unemployed or indigent?
The issue lies in the basic fact that once life begins at fertilization and cannot be ended by any other human and be justified.
Lastly I want to address those woman out there who have been blessed with a child, any child. When you were carrying that precious life in your body did you ever have think that somewhere in the world another woman is lying on a table while a "doctor" is puncturing the skull of a 23 week old baby and scrambling its brain in order to suck it out with a clinical Hoover? Did you ever think that somewhere another "doctor" is severing the arms and legs of a 26 week old baby in utero so it can be removed from the woman's womb in pieces? Hopefully that description makes you physically ill but have no doubt it happens, it happens every day in this world. If we as woman cannot see how brutal and barbaric abortion is then who will? We have been given the ultimate gift of the abilty to carry, nurture and protect our babies for almost a year before they are thrust into this world of ours. Cherish that gift and fight for all those babies who do not get that protection, just as you would for your own children.
In my opinion to suppoort abortion in any situation is wrong, its all or nothing people, time to choose.What kind of world do w elive in when we cannot even figure out if butchering babies is wrong? Makes all the other issues seem miniscule in comparison.
A good article about abortion and voting.
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