My dad actually gave me this title as I was fishing around for topics to blog about. The argument I’m going to make is actually the result of an argument I had with my cousin. I kind of wanted to keep this blog about politics, and in the spirit of truth, I could care less about this years batch of politicians, so I’m going to stick to ranting about the issues. Today’s topic is Social Change. Are we really our brother’s keepers? My short answer is yes and no, so is that definitely maybe, or sometimes yes sometimes no? I’ll elaborate what I mean, but in my opinion we all need to care for our fellow human beings, just not in the way we’re currently doing it.
This is one social issue that really bothers me. Here we are one of the richest countries in the world, and always ready to drop ship food to some underdeveloped nation, but we can’t even keep our own citizens off the streets and fed. Growing up in NY I’d see them every day on the subway or in the street. We called them bums, most of them smelled like urine or worse, some begged, but some just slept and ignored you. The real nuts would wait until there were enough people and then they’d put on the show. They’d start with the story of how they got this way. They’d end by standing in front of you asking you for whatever change you could spare. Most of the time, I’d give them something just to have them go away. Of course the big argument is going to be that “Well some of those people don’t want help” And that is a valid statement, SOME DON’T, but that some is such a slim some that just happens to stand out, but they’re not the majority.
I was able to get to know a few homeless at my old church, and I learned something. Some of them just made wrong choices or had bad luck, and just ended up there. Once there they lost hope and couldn’t find their way back. The church I attended helps out at a local mission, and every Sunday they’d bus in several homeless men and women. Some would stay and with enough help reintegrate back into society. Some would just move on, never to be heard from again. All of them made an impact on someone’s life, some more than others, but to be honest, most of them didn’t want that lifestyle. It kind of just happened.
In today’s economy we seem to be spawning homeless at an alarming rate. In my area alone the local parks, which allow camping, seem to have a much bigger population. News reports in the area state that the problem has hit, not the nutty homeless guy, but whole families. Now everyone shares some blame in the housing loan debacle of the last few years, but there are real families, losing real homes, and living on the streets as a result. To me that’s unacceptable.
The question I wrestle with is; Should the government step in and solve the problem? If so how? Personally I’m for any approach that still requires repayment, and does not cost the government much out of pocket. For instance allowing people who are not first time buyers to refinance into a government secured loan and stretching out the loan period for 40 – 50 years. I would also suggest allowing the homeowner to skip the first 2-3 payments after they refinance, and spread those payments out throughout the first year. This will allow them to catch up on any bills that they may be late on, and truly give them a fighting chance. This would not solve homelessness, but would at the very least keep more people from ending up on the streets, and possibly give some of those families who did end up on the streets a second chance.
In truth we as Americans should do all we can do make sure all Americans have a safe place to live. We as Americans should do all we can to eradicate homelessness until all of those who do want to have a home or apartment have one. This can be done without becoming a tax burden. People can be assisted in finding work; people can be given low interest, long term loans. People can be put back on the path to achieving the American dream.
This was the debate that actually spawned this blog entry. My cousin is a democrat, yeah I know we can’t all be perfect. Anyway he and I were discussing the whole healthcare issue, and debating the finer points of Obama’s idea to provide free healthcare to all. Now whenever a politician starts throwing the word FREE around I get nervous. You see even in my short 37yrs on this planet I happen to know that NOTHING IS FREE. Everything comes at a price. Freedom is usually paid for in blood, families are paid through hard work and time, and homes are paid for in sweat. Either way someone somewhere is paying the price. All my life in church the pastor would say, “Christ’s gift of salvation is free” Yes it was free to me, but again Christ had to pay a price for it, so again nothing is free, and someone did have to pay.
Now I would love to have totally free healthcare, but I live in the real world where things are purchased with real money, by people who really work. In the long run FREE healthcare for all would accomplish one thing in this country, it would bankrupt us. As it stands this country is in serious debt. We don’t make much, but we owe quite a bit. Our Medicare and Medicaid systems should have shown us that whenever the government starts to throw money around, an unscrupulous company will arise to take advantage of it.
Some time ago my grandmother went into the hospital with a broken hip. She was treated for the amount of time that her Medicare would allow, and she was released into a nursing home to be rehabilitated. In the nursing home, she spent most of her day in bed and essentially got worse. She ended up with an infection, and the treatment, which was supposed to make her better, made her worse. The nursing home tried everything they could to stretch out her stay there. Any guess as to why? FREE MONEY!!! Good old Uncle Sam was paying for grandma’s expenses, and they were all too willing to cash the checks.
To me that’s a total crock. Whatever happened to doing no harm? Whatever happened to helping the sick get better? Healthcare has turned into a business, and like all business its bottom line is the almighty dollar. That is the problem with healthcare in this country. That is what’s raising the price for all of us. Our greed is making it difficult to make sure that the truly sick get the care they require to get better. My wife was recently admitted for some surgery, and the cost of pills in the hospital was actually humorous. Why do insurance companies allow a $5 Tylenol, when I could buy an entire bottle at the local Walgreen for that much?
My answer to this insanity, well not mine really, you can thank Rudy Giuliani for this one. Remove the strangle hold insurance companies have on corporations, and allow the insured to pick where they want to spend their money. Here’s how it works. My company shops for insurance. They go into the search knowing how much they want to spend on me each year, and pick the one that will have the least amount of impact on the company and the employee. Instead of doing that, they’d simply have to tell me how much they’re willing to spend, and I start to shop around for a provider. This approach does something sorely needed in today’s market; it drives competition. Thanks to the power of the internet I can now shop several hundred insurance companies at once, and find the one that’s right for me.
Now, this does nothing for the actual price of healthcare, but let’s actually look at those prices. As it stands most insurance companies pay a price over the patients deductible. This price is usually over inflated by the hospital because they too have their expenses. One huge expense is transcription services. Nuance, the company I work for (shameless plug), provides software services to convert speech to text. This saves hospitals millions each year in transcription costs. Several companies provide paperless systems, something touted by Hillary Clinton, but also another great idea to cut costs, and help the ecosystem. Another great money saving tip, stop ordering unnecessary exams. Some exams are required to get a good diagnosis, but some are just a waste of time and money. Finally what’s with the 500% markup on everything. Why should I pay $5 for one pill when I can get that same pill for $.50 at the pharmacy? Why do hospitals charge $3 – 5 for a silly comb that is purchased in bulk and costs the hospital $.30? They do this because they can get away with it.
The current system allows for hospitals to overcharge their patients, and the insurance companies. This raises the price of insurance, which raises premiums, which then gives hospitals the excuse to raise their prices. It’s a never ending cycle and under the Obama plan it’s just going to continue. Again the answer is not to give free, but to solve the actual problem. A big issue I have with the Democrats is that their answer to all of society’s woes is to raise taxes, and open the purse strings. Well that only leads to huge taxes and a society that is dependant on the government rather than independent. When you create a dependency like that you simply expand the problem rather than solve it. Sure the short term issue of people without medical care is solved, but the long term issue won’t be seen for years to come.
Education and Self Esteem
What this country needs more than anything else is improved education. We need to restructure how we teach our children. We need to focus on actually teaching them and not simply giving them exams, and teaching them to pass the exams. We need to pinpoint a child’s interests and learning pattern early on in the child’s life, and determine how to best teach that child. Once we’ve taken care of the future we need to look to the present, and solve the problem that our current adult population has. You see it’s one thing to throw money at a problem, and another to waste it. Giving a person their lively hood does nothing for the person except enslave them. Pretty soon you start a cycle of people who live off of people because that’s just how they were taught.
Yes Sen. Obama, people do need hope, but not the kind of hope that someone will swoop in and save the day with handouts and freebees. They need self esteem, they need to know that they are part of something bigger, and that they can achieve their dreams if they work for them. To do this they need education. They need to know how to read, write, use computers, and do basic math. They need the kind of hope that only comes from knowing that I John Q. Public am in charge of my own destiny, not my government. I can decide and learn to do for myself, and not rely on someone else. That is the freedom which provides true hope.
Growing up in NY taught me a lot about the welfare system. Everywhere I looked people went through life depending on someone else. Mothers had daughters, who had daughters all on welfare, because it was there, it was safe, it was what they knew. Quite a few of the people I knew dropped out of school early, had babies and restarted their cycle, never knowing that there was something bigger and better outside of the tri-state area. Most of these people voted Democrat because the Democrats are for the little people. They help out the average Joe. Well that may be how this all started, but what we’ve ended up with is a society born and raised into dependence. Education to them is a joke because government will provide. Hard work is for suckers because government will provide.
We the people of the United States of America have taught ourselves is to depend on someone else instead of to improve our own situation. With this dependence comes inadequate education, sub standard living conditions and a ghetto mentality. Public assistance goes from giving the person a hand up to putting the person down. Those within the system come to be known as the poor, the leaches of society, and most cannot hold their head up high to say that they earn their own way.
The hope I’m speaking of will take money, but money well spent in the right place. Money spent on quality education which brings out the various talents that might otherwise remain dormant. Yes the poor have talents too. They can do for themselves, and can strive and achieve greatness if we only give them a real chance. There’s a proverb that says “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” I think it’s about time we start to follow this wise saying and start educating those who have all the potential in the world without any direction. I think it’s time we stop making excuses for them and ourselves and get everyone together to work hard as one America together. That is true hope that lasts, true hope that will carry future generations to greatness instead of leaving them wallowing in the pit of mediocrity.
Only after our society is reeducated to fend for ourselves will we be able to really and truly solve poverty, homelessness, medical costs, and all of the things that plague us without creating a burden that society can not and should not carry. So yes I am for hope. I am for change, but only if it’s change for the better and not change for the worse. And yes we should be our brother's keepers. We should mind our extended family and help them to prosper, but we should do it through education and independence, not through handouts and dependence on us.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
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First, I'm a democrat because I AM perfect.
Ok, jokes asides:
I agree that we are not always our brother's keeper. However, we do differ in one very specific
See, the mistake you make in thinking, is seeing our country's current state in black or white.
"Free" healthcare is not a handout to lazy people. Think about it, the extreme poor or those that don't work at all, are usually already covered by Medicaid. The ones suffering the most ARE Americans that are working. Working Americans that either have jobs that provide no healthcare or Americans that have jobs that offer sub par benefits. Forget the fact that some carriers have a maximum payout...carriers don't always cover everything....and sometimes, they won't cover for pre-existing conditions.
See, I've worked in the healthcare biz for over 14 years. I've seen the corrupt practices first hand. I know that your alternative is to open the market to compete with each other. That might not work either. What other insurance group is competing for you business?????????? The auto insurance biz. What we see in the auto biz, are companies charging varying amounts based on past history, varying coverage and sometimes, flat out denying covering someone. This is exactly what could happen if insurance companies started competing with individuals.
I don't like government control anymore that you do. It might backfire on us. However, I don't think it will. Don't let what people say about nationlized healthcare fool you. Canada, some European countries, etc have been doing it with success. Is it perfect? Far from it. BUT, and here is the big least everyone is covered.
I don't believe in free handouts...but when it comes to messing with someone's life, I think everyone should be entitled to health. Again, most people suffering from lack of healthcare in this country are actually working Americans.....not lazy people.
I have 2 plasma TVs. I have another LCD tv. I have 2 computers, nice apartment. 2 cars, etc. I don't think paying a few bucks extra to help out others is going to kill me. Hell, I already pay a shit load of money out of pocket in healthcare. Helping others will also be helping myself in the long run. It helps me out, it helps my family. It helps my friends...and it'll help my fellow Americans.
Mike, my mom has worked all her life since a teenager. She worked and raised a family on her own. She now has no insurance. You got it. ZERO coverage. She is far from lazy. She has paid into a system that has done nothing for her. Multiply her story by hundreds of thousands of Americans.
Oh I agree my plan has holes in it. There are things that still need to be worked out like denial of coverage for preexisting conditions and max payouts. But this is where government can step in and make demands. Government can and should regulate those things and make companies accountable.
For instance a few years ago Florida was hit with hurricanes, you know you were here. All of a sudden insurance carriers who had made millions decided to drop Florida policy holders. Was that greed? Yes it was plain and simple. Our governor stepped in and told insurance companies that if they didn't start insuring Florida residents they wouldn’t be welcomed in our state at all. In addition he threatened to create a state funded insurance company and rid us of all insurance companies altogether. While not everyone got their carrier back, the premiums did not go up much, and other companies, who were never represented in Florida before stepped in to fill any void left by the major companies.
While not everyone who is uninsured is lazy there are several who are covered under the current Medicare / Medicaid that are. Some of those same people who collect the monthly check are perfectly able and capable of going out to work and paying for their own insurance even at a reduced rate. The problem is that those who don’t NEED these services are using them because it’s expected, while those who NEED the services are denied them because the money is tied up elsewhere.
As your mom also says and I quote “If I have to get my ass out of bed everyday to work for my food, so should everyone else”. In fact if I ever run for president she’d be my secretary of labor, and that saying would be etched into a building and hung for all to see. I have no problem giving things to those who actually need it, and have worked their whole lives to deserve it, but giving it away to all just because cheapens it, and makes the receiver feel entitled to it.
We as a country must look at the actual problem from all sides before offering monetary solutions. The problem is not that healthcare has suddenly gone up in price the last few years. The problem is that hospitals are being run like Fortune 500 companies instead of places of care. If the hospitals stopped trying to make huge profits and started pricing their services accordingly the price would drop considerably. If those same hospitals began implementing ways to reduce non-essential costs they would offset the price cuts that need to be done to bring costs down to a reasonable place.
Again I’m all for looking at multiple ways to fix the problem, but tossing money to everyone will only foster a medical system where hospitals will raise prices because they know they can. Giving money away will create more of the scams that we currently see, and end up raising healthcare to a price even our government can’t afford.
Think about this.
If you really did find a working formula that made you, say $1,000 a week online on average and it kept producing income no matter what, would you want to sell that idea to a bunch of noobs for $47 a pop and expect to retire on the proceeds? No way, man! It does not compute. It does not add up. And it does not make any sense to do that. I certainly don’t go shouting from the rooftops how I make my money online. Hell, I don’t want the competition taking a slice of my pie and neither would anyone who really does make good cash online.
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